
SeaVision version 8.0.0 released on October 1, 2024

New Password Strength Meter and Updated Requirements

  • A password strength meter has been added to all places passwords can be set or changed
  • Password requirements have been updated and will apply to all new passwords

Improvements based on User Feedback

  • Added the ability to drag files into chat as attachments
  • Added the ability to paste images from the clipboard directly into chat
  • Quick Filter now has the option to zoom to mapped results
  • Added the current date to Vessel Count widget

Distance Tool

  • Added the option to view azimuth when drawing line segments

General Improvements

  • Added a new vessel association confidence filter to the Non-AIS filter tab
  • Added and improved filters for the HawkEye 360 data source
  • Improved data source/map filters tooltip direction
  • Added “Select All” and “Unselect All” buttons to the Vessel Type Filter
  • Improved “Create New User Account” form for administrators and managers
  • Improved bandwidth usage

Bug Fixes

  • Various bug fixes

SeaVision version 7.4.0 released on June 26, 2024

Community Management Improvements

  • Updated module for Community Managers to manage their Personas and Users in their Communities

New Language Option

  • Added Chinese (Traditional) translation

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • List of keyboard shortcuts added to the help menu in the navigation bar

Performance Improvements

  • Data deferral and caching to improve network performance

General Improvements

  • User Feedback now supports paste from clipboard and drag-and-drop of files
  • Improved KML/KMZ export of history trails
  • Improved Playback rendering
  • Alphabetized more dropdown menus

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed various Playback bugs
  • Fixed various Chat bugs
  • Fixed a bug with the Events history trail color picker
  • Fixed a bug with the displaying of segments using the Distance Tool

SeaVision version 7.2.0 released on February 6, 2024

Record Playback Scenarios

  • Playback scenarios can be exported as a KML/KMZ file and imported back into SeaVision to be replayed at a later time

Dashboard Object Filtering

  • Users can now filter on the lists of Rules, Alerts, Custom Vessel Lists, and Saved Searches using the new filter field located above each list. This filter capability has also been applied to results tables and the extended filters tab located in map filters
  • Rules, Alerts, Custom Vessel Lists, and Saved Searches can be filtered by the object name or creator information (First Name, Last Name, Username, or Functional Name)
  • Results tables can be filtered by Vessel Name, IMO, or MMSI

Copy Resources Across Personas

  • Rules, Alerts, Saved Searches, and Custom Vessel Lists can now be copied across users Personas
  • Copied items will include any objects (i.e. shapes) associated with that resource
  • Some resources may not be copied across Personas due to data access differences between Personas

Other New Features

  • Ability to turn off clustering for areas where vessel count is less than 3000
  • Ability to save search column settings
  • MMSI added to history trail tooltip
  • Enhanced RF filtering ranges

Bug Fixes

  • Various bugs have been fixed

SeaVision version 7.0.0 released on October 18, 2023

Alerts Enhancements

  • New condition: Time Since Last Port Of Call. Triggers on vessels that have not been in a port in a selected period of time, configurable between 1 hour and 24 months
  • New AIS field change trigger: Draft change. Triggers when a vessel’s draft changes above a selected threshold
  • New AIS dynamic change triggers: Heading and Course Over Ground change. Triggers on heading and course over ground changes above a selected threshold
  • New alert trigger field: Proximity. Triggers when vessels enter a selected proximity to a chosen vessel. Alert is configurable within 0.1 - 0.5 nautical mile radius of a vessel and requires a valid MMSI. Proximity circles are viewable on the map via a new Proximity Alerts static layer toggle

Data Sources Hierarchy and Display Name Changes

  • Data sources filter panel has been updated. Data sources are now categorized by their respective type and their display names improved

Vessel Age

  • Vessel Age filter panel has been updated to allow for the selection of different ages for different data types. Users can now select ages or time periods for Radar Contacts, Radio Frequency Detections, Infrared Detections, and Imagery Derived Detections
  • A button to clear the AIS Dark Vessel Age has been added

Data Source Nationality Restrictions

  • Tools have been put in place to ensure data source access adheres to applicable Community, Persona, and Nationality restrictions

Events Enhancements

  • All Events are auto selected when first opening the Event Settings panel
  • Displayed Event history trails now include 24 hours before and after an Event
  • Default Event age has been updated to 6 hours

API Key Requests

  • API key requests can only be approved at the Admin level

Account Management Bulk Delete User Resources

  • Community and Persona Managers can now bulk delete all resources associated to a selected User’s account
  • Does not delete resources that have been shared to Persona or Community level

History Trail Enhancements

  • History trails from correlated Vessel Data Cards are now available and include non-AIS data sources
  • Duplicate MMSI History Trails are now clustered by time of fix and geofeasibility to reduce clutter and improve usability

User Vessel Reports and Manual Reports

  • Adding a valid MMSI to a Manual Report will automatically share it to the Persona level and create a corresponding User Vessel Report
  • User Vessel Reports are available as a new data source in the non-AIS source data source panel
  • Promoting a Manual Report with a MMSI will update that report with corresponding AIS data (received AIS data will be highlighted in the Vessel Data Card)
  • User Vessel Reports need to be selected like any other data source and abide by the same Vessel Age selections as AIS Sources
  • User Vessel Report Data Cards have been created and taken the place of Manual Report Vessel Data Cards

Bulk delete for Shapes, Manual Reports, and Custom Layers

  • Shapes, Manual Reports, and Custom Layers Manager have been updated to allow the deletion of several items at once

Bug Fixes

  • Various bugs have been fixed

SeaVision version 6.3.0 released on June 28, 2023

We are excited to introduce the latest update to SeaVision, packed with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes to improve your vessel tracking experience. Here’s what’s new:

New Dashboard Page: Vessel Associations

  • We have added a brand new Dashboard page specifically dedicated to Vessel Associations. Explore and understand vessel-related information with ease.

Advanced Vessel Filtering

  • Filter vessels based on Ship Registry fields such as IMO Number, Operator, Registered Owner, and more. Find the vessels you need quickly and efficiently.

Detailed Vessel Information

  • Dive deeper into vessel details with our enhanced information view. Access comprehensive data on individual vessels, including specifications, history, and more.

Company Insights

  • Get a comprehensive understanding of companies associated with vessels. Explore detailed information about their affiliations.

Builder and Shipyard Details

  • Gain valuable insights into the builders and shipyards behind vessels. Access in-depth information about their location and other relevant data.

Other Enhancements

AIS Filter for IMO Number = 0

  • Easily find or exclude vessels with an IMO number strictly equal to 0 using our new AIS filter.

Dark Vessel Indicator

  • Stay informed about vessels that have not reported for a specific user-configurable period. Our dark vessel indicator, integrated into the vessel age filter, makes it easier to identify and prioritize them.

Radius Indicator while drawing Circle Shapes

  • Draw circle shapes more effectively with our new radius indicator.

Vessel Speed Indicator

  • Experience vessel history trails like never before. The new vessel speed indicator employs color gradients to represent vessel speed, allowing you to analyze their movement patterns at a glance.

Bug Fixes

  • We have resolved several issues to provide a smoother and more reliable experience:
  • Various vessel image bugs have been fixed to ensure accurate representation.
  • Chat functionality has been optimized to eliminate any known issues.
  • A bug with Simulated Tracks has been addressed, resulting in improved accuracy.
  • Playback functionality has been enhanced, resolving various reported bugs.
  • Warnings have been refined and fixed to provide more accurate scores.
  • Email notifications for expiring accounts have been rectified to ensure timely reminders.
  • Shape-related bugs have been resolved, ensuring seamless interaction with shapes.
  • Custom Layers functionality has been improved, eliminating any reported bugs.

We hope you enjoy these updates and that they enhance your SeaVision experience. As always, we appreciate your valuable feedback in helping us improve our platform further. Happy vessel tracking!

SeaVision version 6.2.0 released on May 3, 2023

Using Shapes in Time Machine

  • Added the ability to define a region in Time Machine using a user defined Shape
  • Right-click on a Shape to auto-populate the shape selection in the Time Machine panel

Playback Enhancements

  • Added ability to easily playback vessel voyage. Click the Playback link in the Vessel Data Card to start.
  • Ability to use Quick Filter, Alerts, Rules, and Custom Vessel List in Playback
  • Added slower Playback speed option
  • Performance enhancements
  • General bug fixes

Bathymetry Layer

  • Added color shaded mosaic bathymetry static layer from NOAA digital elevation models
  • Use keyboard shortcut B to toggle the new static layer on and off

Other Enhancements

  • Dynamic line color for Distance Tool, Simulated Tracks, Dead Reckoning based on map base layer
  • Added history trails for some RADAR markers
  • Refined Time Machine UI

Bug Fixes

  • Warnings improvements and bug fixes
  • Alerts bug fixes
  • Finished Reports bug fixes
  • Distance Tool bug fixes
  • Search bug fixes
  • UI fixes for User Feedback button in smaller screens
  • Chat bug fixes
  • Dead Reckoning UI bug fixes
  • History Trail bug fixes

SeaVision version 6.1.18 released on March 16, 2023

New Alerting capabilities

  • Ability to alert on Non AIS data
  • Alert results are batched by 15 minutes

SeaVision version 6.1.0 released on February 7, 2023

New KMZ export capabilities

  • Ability to export history trail to KMZ
  • Ability to export static vessels to KMZ
  • Ability to export playback to KMZ

Other Enhancements

  • Improved text visibility of vessel count
  • Initial implementation of RADAR history trails on certain RADAR data
  • Fixed various bugs across the application

SeaVision version 6.0.14 released on December 14, 2022

Chat Enhancements

  • New ability to download chat history as PDF
  • Allow Community Managers to trigger a fix for broken chat accounts
  • Fixed various chat bugs

Warnings Enhancements

  • Updated Warnings recalculation process to use newer IHS dataset
  • Fixed various bugs Warning score calculations

Other Enhancements

  • Class A or B field added to Vessel Data Card
  • Removed mini-map from Search builder to provide extra space for conditions
  • Added better validation of shapes before saving
  • Added latitude and longitude to Distance Tool widget
  • Added ability to export map vessels in CSV and JSON formats
  • Added new non-AIS map filters
  • Added hover tooltip over Data Sources to show descriptions
  • Adjusted visibility of Shapes, Alerts, Rules, Custom Vessel Lists, etc for Community Managers
  • Added hover tooltip for vessel names over vessel markers on the map
  • Improved visibiilty of the scrollbar in the filters panel
  • Distance Tool paths are now exportable in JSON, CSV, and KML
  • Fixed various bugs across the application

SeaVision version 6.0.0 released on October 5, 2022

Chat Enhancements

  • New chat threads allow replies to specific chat messages
  • New chat search functionality allows searching and jumping to historical chat messages
  • Added list of participants of a chat channel
  • Updated user counts in the Community and Persona chat channels
  • Added full date/time stamp to every chat message
  • Optimized loading performance and stability
  • Improved usability on mobile devices
  • Added banner reminder on sharing unclassified information only

New Alerts Features

  • Alerts on IHS Data: Alerts now supports filtering on IHS conditions if the Persona has access to IHS data source
  • Alerts on Port of Call: Alerts now supports filter on vessel with specific historical Port of Calls
  • Alerts on Speed Over Ground: Alerts now supports speed thresholds, triggering when a vessel crosses over or under a set threshold
  • Alerts on Custom Vessel List: Various improvements to Alerts on Custom Vessel List feature

Report a Bug / Request a Feature

  • This feature has been re-implemented.

Other Enhancements

  • Added minutes options to minimum and maximum vessel age filter
  • Distance Tool supports ability to draw multiple connected line segments
  • Improved sharing Search/Rules/Alerts that are dependent on Shapes/CVL that also need to be shared to the same level
  • Historical search within smaller polygons now includes all AIS sources/highest resolution
  • Quick Filtering on MMSI now includes SeaVision correlated MMSI on non-AIS data
  • For better UI experience, removed background color on Area of Operations static layer
  • Improved Vessel Data Card usability (opening, closing, minimizing, and expanding multiple VDCs at a time)


  • Various bug fixes and system optimizations
  • Fixed UI issues with filters tabs

SeaVision version 5.3.0 released on August 2, 2022

Upload files to Custom Layers

  • Custom Layers now supports ability to upload images and KML file types
  • Added new Custom Layers Manager panel

Custom Vessel List in Alerts

  • Added Custom Vessel Lists to Alert capability


  • Various bug fixes and system optimizations

SeaVision version 5.2.0 released on April 28, 2022

AIS Historical Transmission Chart

  • New “Historical Transmission” link on the vessel data card opens the “AIS History” tab in vessel details
  • Users can view a chart showing when AIS reports were received from a vessel over the last X days or during a specific timeframe

Download Vessel Report

  • Users can now select AIS History, Event History, History of Changes, Destination and Images to be included when downloading a PDF report from Vessel Details

SeaVision Public API

  • Updated EULA for Public API
  • Added workflow to allow CMs to review and approve API Key requests


  • SeaVision emails blocked by certain mail servers
  • Saving Custom Layers visibility to User Views
  • Alerts unsubscribe link
  • Shapes that span across the anti-meridian
  • Shapes tooltip lingered after shapes turned off
  • SAT-SAR Vessel Data Card missing fields
  • Optimized Rules execution schedule
  • Chat displaying the same preview for multiple shared files
  • Various account request and user profile update related bugs
  • Various security improvements

SeaVision version 5.1.0 released on January 25, 2022

Manual Reports

  • User can manually enter a ship sighting through from the Summary tab on Vessel Details or directly in the Manual Report tool and include the ship name, MMSI, flag, ship type, and IMO.
  • Additionally, users can attach images of the sighted ship to the manual report.
  • Manually entered position reports are now included in the history trail.


  • Users can view history trails for ships associated to an Event
  • Users can now search for ships involved in Events
  • Users can also view the Events history for a ship in Vessel Details
  • Users can easily open the Time Machine and/or add ships to Vessel Lists from the Events panel

UN/LOCODE Destination Decoding

MSSIS Contribution Dashboard

  • Community Managers can now view MSSIS contribution status for partner nations from the MSSIS Contribution Dashboard


  • Distance Tool updated to make it more apparent a path can be expanded to show Rhumb lines and measurements for individual segments
  • Increased Map Zoom level
  • Various Custom Layer bugs
  • Fixed bug with toggling on history trails from Custom Vessel List
  • Fixed bug affecting Community Managers forwarding New Account Requests to other communities
  • Fixed bug importing shape CSV files
  • Fixed Warning circles colors

SeaVision version 5.0.0 released on November 9, 2021

What’s New

  • The entire SeaVision map has been updated to use the OpenLayers library. Upon log in you will immediately notice the new map. All the map tools, ex. Shapes, Static Layers, Time Machine, etc., have been updated as well. This effort has allowed us to decouple SeaVision from Google Maps API and modernize code, increasing the maintainability of SeaVision going forward.
  • The Distance Tool has been reimagined into a widget so it can be moved around as needed on the map and providing measurement capability when using Time Machine. Additionally, yards have been added as a unit of measure.
  • Vessel rendezvous are now available in the new SeaVision Events module. Toggle on “Events” under “My Layers” and click the edit pencil to select events to display. We have partnered with Global Fishing Watch to leverage their expertise to detect vessel rendezvous.

SeaVision version 4.3.0 released on July 21, 2021

Upload Vessel Images

  • A new Images tab has been added to the Vessel Details Card where users can upload photos of vessels
  • Images are initially uploaded to the User level, and can be shared up to the Persona or Community level
  • Click on the vessel image in the Vessel Data Card to jump straight to the new Images tab

Non-AIS data for Time Machine and Playback

  • Non-AIS (Coastal RADAR, VIIRS, SAT-SAR, etc) data is now included in Time Machine and Playback

Other enhancements

  • Bugfix on certain filters preventing vessels from appearing on the map

SeaVision version 4.2.1 released on May 3, 2021


  • Historical searches no longer use the "OR" grouping but instead allow for an additional Port history constraint.
  • The date picker in the conditions builder has been updated to use new date ranges.
  • The request ID is now included in all apiServer logs for easier production log error investigations.


  • Fixed a bug causing Organization and Agency values to show up as objects in new account request emails.
  • Fixed a bug ensuring the latest ship registry updates are available.

SeaVision version 4.2.0 released on April 14, 2021


New Search Capabilities

  • Ability to perform Search on historical data over 60 day windows
  • Ability to perform Search on vessels transiting between two ports
  • Ability to perform Search on various anomalous vessels

Upload Vessel Images

  • User can now upload images for vessels

Standardized Organization and Agencies

  • User can now select their organizations and agencies from a pre-defined list
  • Organizations and agencies not in the pre-defined list can still be created and used by Community Managers as needed


  • Users will receive an email notifying them that their account has been disabled when they attempt to perform a password reset on a disabled account
  • Bugfix on handling extra long email addresses
  • Bugfix on ship registry filters not showing up for some users

SeaVision version 4.1.0 released on January 8, 2021


  • Track History Users can now view entire history trail for vessels. There currently is 2+ years of track history data available, and this will continue to grow over time.
  • Nautical Charts Static Layer “US Nautical Charts” displays navigational charts around the US coastlines.
  • Static Field Changes “History of Changes” static layer highlights vessels that have reported changes to AIS static fields. The data is also available on the vessel details card. In Search, a new operator has been added to allow searching on previous vessel names.
  • User Feedback Report a bug, suggest a feature, and ask a question tabs have been added to the SeaVision map to enable users to quickly provide feedback direct to the SeaVision team.


  • Adjustable Playback Rate is now available in Time Machine Playback.
  • Vessel Outlines are now clickable to open the vessel data card when zoomed in to the vessel outline.

SeaVision version 4.0.0 released on September 29, 2020


  • Multilingual User Interface Users can select their preferred language from the user menu for better access for foreign partners. Available languages include English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese.


  • New Account Requests now delivered to the SeaVision Inbox in addition to emailed to Community Managers.
  • Account Creation date and modified date now displayed on User Accounts.
  • Temporary Accounts to designate an expiration date so an account automatically expires.
  • Time Machine Playback. GPS coordinates at the bottom of the map now display based on cursor position.
  • Vessel Details. Polished to remove table headers when no EEZ History or Port History is available.

SeaVision version 3.6.0 released on July 15, 2020


  • Port Details can now be displayed on the map on a per country basis to include Port Details, Authorities, Operators, Addresses, and Ships inspected.
  • MSSIS Contributions. Based on users’ Nationality a user can view if their country has been contributing to the MSSIS network.
  • Alert on RADAR. Alerts can be defined to trigger based on RADAR data contacts within a designated region of interest.
  • Search. Search expanded to allow querying over multiple user defined shapes and with null and blank values.
  • Persona Managers. Community Managers can delegate responsibilities to a Persona Manager to include approving accounts, creating simulated tracks, and resetting user passwords.

SeaVision version 3.5.0 released on May 13, 2020


  • Simulated Tracks. Community managers can now create simulated tracks from a CSV.
  • Finished Reports. Vessel detail reports can be downloaded in .PPTX and .DOCX formats.

SeaVision version 3.4.0 released on January 9, 2020


  • Anomalous and Invalid Data provides users with the ability to view vessels that are reporting Anomalous or Invalid data, IMOs and MMSIs. Vessels identified as anomalous have reported a non-geofeasible change in position as well as recent name changes.

SeaVision version 3.3.0 released on October 4, 2019


  • SeaVision Mobile Access. Enhancements for mobile and tablet access to SeaVision improving the responsiveness, layout, and styling on smaller screen sizes. Users can also install SeaVision as an app on iOS, iPadOS, and Android devices.
  • Chat Translation. Individual chat messages can be translated to any target language offered by Google Translate.


  • Map Filters. Expanded set of map filters now available for AIS data, including: anchor/underway, in port, flag, draft present load, cargo type, navigation status, speed, destination, ETA, last port of call, and days since last port of call.
  • Community/Persona Email Lists. Button added to Communities page to enable Community Managers to easily copy a list of email addresses of all accounts in a Community or Persona.


  • Fixed bug causing Export Vessels to contain no results
  • Fixed bug causing exported KML marker icons to be broken

SeaVision version 3.2.0 released on June 27, 2019


  • Time Machine Playback includes animated playback to show historical vessel movements up to 1 year ago. Supported time window: minimum of 1 hour, maximum of 30 days
  • Time Machine Snapshot mode generates a snapshot of all vessels for a time window from historical data to improve performance. Allows for quicker search and display vessels from the snapshot using map filters and functions while in Time Machine mode.
  • Vessel Analytics and Summary widget provides real-time statistics and top 10 lists for the vessels currently displayed on the map


  • Data correlation implemented for additional data sources, ex. VIIRS
  • Distance Tool snap-to-vessel functionality, where the distance tool anchor dynamically 'snaps' on to the vessel nearest to the mouse cursor
  • Improved mobile for reduced resolution experience on the map, dashboard, and administration pages
  • Improved map vessels and history trails renderer, with the ability to toggle vessel related static layers (vessel name, Alerts, Rules, CVL, Warnings) on and off without triggering a map data refresh


  • Options menu for expired Rules and Alerts now correctly displays ‘Renew’ and ‘Enable’
  • Additional validation to catch fetching bad shapes data that resulted in error toast messages
  • Cleaned up empty Warnings Safety and Security labels
  • Fixed issues with certain data sources vessel markers and baseball cards